Thursday 25 January 2007

McElusive and my JHB Trip

After being very disappointed about not getting to see the notorious McNaught comet on Thursday, I was certain I would see it on Friday when I arrived in JHB. I was being sent up for the company's annual Strategy Session - as the Site Manager I have to plan the strategy for my site for the year...

After an uneventful flight (which is just the way flight should be - none of this nearly throwing up and dying stuff like we had in November!) we touched down in JHB at 18:20. Where I met the new Cape Town Sales Exec and we found our driver and set of for Maropeng. Maropeng is 8km from the infamous Sterkfontein Caves, which is a world heritage site and known as 'The Cradle of Humankind'. The Sterkfontein Caves and surrounds are the site of many significant archaeological and anthropological finds including Mrs Ples, and Little Foot. I was certain that I would get a spectacular view of the comet from there, and had assured the kids that I would take photos when I saw it, to show them.

As we drove the long and slow journey through the Johannesburg Friday rush hour(s) I was scanning the Western horizon in search of Comet 'McElusive'. At around 8pm we suddenly saw it - very faintly between 2 banks of clouds. We pulled over to look. It resembled an air-craft vapour trail at that point as the sky was still quite bright. We were only a few kms from our hotel at that point so I thought we should just head to the hotel from where we'd get a better view. Of course in those 5 minutes the clouds zoomed over and obscured that entire section of sky and nothing more was to be seen. *sulk*
I decided to have an early night on Friday and went straight to my room, which was lovely (as above). I ended up staying up far too late watching TV for far too long though. Still I managed to wake up by 06:30 on Saturday (very unusual for me) and decided to go for a quick morning run. I dressed and set off only to find I was suddenly really unfit and battling for air. Hrmm... it was only after a good few minutes that I realized it was the effects of the altitude. The highveld is MUCH higher than Cape Town - which is sea level, and for the first time ever I got a good demonstration of the effect. Gee it makes a HUGE difference!

I showered and then headed back for the start of the Strat Session.We worked solidly from 08:30 till 18:30, with a only a lunch break in between. We were presented with the company strategy for the year and then had to draft our site strategy (to achieve said company strategy) and associated budget. Whew.

After that drinks were ordered fast and furiously and we watched the setting sun on the veranda overlooking an African savannah. Beautiful. Much as I love Cape Town there really is something special about the rich, raw and untamed red earth up-country where everything grows bigger & faster. It oozes vibrancy and is quite breathtaking.
Of course the clouds zoomed in and thwarted any ideas of comet spotting for that night too, BUGGER!

We all chatted and laughed over dinner and then got silly challenging each other to drink vile and potent shooters.
Of course by Sunday morning we all felt (and probably looked) like crap - and for our sins we had to present our site strategies to the management team for critique. Fun! It went well, and by the time we left after lunch I was feeling motivated and inspired.

We were collected and shuttled back to the airport with plenty of time to spare before our flight. So I decided to try to get an earlier flight. I asked super nicely at the check-in desk, but unfortunately the next flight was over booked and nothing could be done. Oh well. The check-in lady told me she'd give me a nice seat in compensation. Cool. I was expecting a window or emergency exit seat. She handed me my ticket and said, 'You are in Business Class, enjoy'.

Wa wa wee wah! Hooray. I have never ever been in Business Class before. I quickly bid the Sales Exec dude adieu and sauntered off to the inner sanctum of the Business Class lounge where I wiled away the few hours wait surfing the net, drinking cappuccinos, nibbling on muffins and reading the paper on a comfy leather couch. Oh, I could so get used to that kind of life style!
When it was time to board the flight I strolled down - and boarded the plane - no tedious queuing for me this time *efg*. When I got on board I found that not only was I in Business Class but I was in the FRONT row, which has only 2 seats, and more leg room AND I was on the window. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

I was seated next to a wonderful older man who is a Barrister and works between London and Cape Town. We had interesting chats over our respective Sunday newspapers. We were served a delicious 3 course meal with real cutlery and crockery and salt and pepper shakers, and thick pressed linen napkins and glass glasses. I had a really tasty and tender piece of chicken. I must say that even though it was a short flight (2 hours) Business Class is far superior and much more comfortable than cattle class. I like!


  1. That's so nice of them!! I once flew business class. When we flew from Atlanta to Houston we were booked in cattle class as you call it. Quintus was 11 months old and the flight attendant just decided that since they have open seats and I have a baby, my mom and I can sit in business class. I love the special treatment!

  2. I flew business class when I was rich - wasn't worth it!

  3. Business Class is awesome - I have only had that priveledge ONCE, all the other times, the airlines tries to make me sit in the hold with all the luggage. LOL

  4. Let this be a lesson for the Taliban! If they book first class/business class they can still stab you with real forks!
