Thursday 15 February 2007

Everybody Else is F***ing Perfect

Since last night was Valentine's (Wellingtons, Talents, whatever) Day we had to go out, and this time it was my turn to provide the goods.

I decided on dinner at Diva - cos it's cute, and yummy and the service is good and doesn't take too long, and the prices are pretty good too. We had sparkling wine, pizza and red wine. Mmm!

Dinner was followed by a spot of theatre. We went to see Everybody Else (is F***ing Perfect) at the Baxter's upstairs Intimate Galley theatre.

Here's a bit from one of the reviews:

"Everybody Else (is f***ing perfect)' is a sharp and poignant tale of the bitter pill of reality — or rather the impossibility of sustaining ‘the fantasy’.

Newly married Gavin and Cathy — still in marital bliss — have taken Cathy’s older sister Traci in under their roof, after she has run away from yet another relationship.

Dark little secrets emerge when the catalyst Jared — Traci’s latest young barman ‘boyfriend’ — enters their lives. Gavin, Cathy and Traci are all deluded — living the fantasy which they choose to believe is true, until their worlds collide and inevitably shatter." ...

"As heavy as it sounds, the play is light, comical, raw and refreshing — especially since it is surprisingly short. It’s definitely worth seeing… if not only to make yourself feel better. "

It was quirky, shocking, funny, light-hearted, and cringe worthy at times. Overall a clever play which was very well choreographed and produced.

The theatre is really small and intimate, and we had front row seats, so were right on the edge of the stage. I thought the dark-haired girl over-acted a little, but other than that is was very well done, and very entertaining. Well worth seeing.

"If you loved the films “Little Miss Sunshine” or “The Office”, you’ll love this dark comedy where everything is not as it seems."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the kind of thing I would like to see.

    have a great weekend!
