Wednesday 14 February 2007

My Health & Fitness Assessment

I went for a Vitality Virgin Life Care Health & Fitness Assessment last Thursday (mainly to earn Vitality points so I can get back to Gold status - because I missed it by a paltry 1500 points last year pah! - you need 100 000).

So off I went before my kata-box class. I still had a lingering lurgy lurking, and my legs felt a bit stiff, but what can you do?

My health measurements were as follows:

Weight: 58kgs
(Note this scale seemed to be set too high, the one in the gym change room said 55.2kgs (no shoes) and the one in the 'life-zone' said 55.7kgs (with tackies), so this one is was just evil! and of course it affects the BMI and body fat calculations too. Grr.)
Height: 165cm

BMI: 21.3
('Healthy norm' apparently)
Waist Circumference: 68cm
('Within Healthy recommendation')
Body Fat percentage: 27%
('Acceptable' Boo Hoo.)
BP Systolic: 100

BP Diastolic: 70
(It's always low, normally less than that, more like 90/60...)
Cholesterol: 3.5 mmol/L
(at last check)
Glucose: prolly 4-5 mmol/L
(was 5.5 when elevated in pregnancy)

Non-Smoker: Good
Alcohol Usage: 'Within acceptable health limits'

Nutrition: Good

Fruit & Veg intake: Good

My Maximum Functional Capacity -
Done as a (25cm) step test with 4x 2-minute stepping intervals with increasing tempo, and 1-minute rest breaks between them:
Max Functional Capacity: 45.6
(no idea what that means)
Max HR (bpm) - 144

Avg HR (bpm) - 108

Duration (min) - 12

Comment: Your Maximum Functional Capacity is 45.6 which is excellent for your age and gender.


Straight Leg Raise (deg) - 92
('Acceptable' - my leg was stiff and he was too gentle with me.)
Sit-and-reach stretch
(touch toes) (cm) - 55 (Above 39 = 'Excellent')

Muscle Endurance:

Crunches in 1 min: 43
(Just missed excellent by 1 sit up...)
Push-Ups in 1 min: 33
(Above 31 'Excellent' YAY!)

My overall result was excellent thanks to me being pretty fit and flexible. So the yoga and running and kata-boxing has paid off. But my body composition is my lowest score, and is in the high end of the acceptable range. Not sure how to change that very much... The Biokineticist said he didn't think that was a true reflection, and he would list me as 'excellent' - 'especially after having 2 kids'. Er thanks - I think...

Anyway overall I am happy with that, and I seem to be doing ok. It was a fun and interesting thing to do.


  1. That sounds excellent to me! Best I don't do one of those soon. Although I'm really amazed at how good I'm feeling in such a short period of time.
    I hate when someone says "You look good - if I take into account x, y or z" Either I look good or not lol


    I get exhausted just ready how fit you are. LOL

  3. Well done GI JANE!!!! Excellent!
