Friday 9 February 2007

Merit Badge and Star of the Week

Quinn has won the merit badge at school ... and the certificate for STAR of the WEEK!

At Rondebosch Boys' each grade has 2 merit badges. Deserving boys are awarded the merit badge at the Friday assembly, and get to wear the badge for a week. The selected boy's names are called and they have to stand up in front of the school, while the school is told what their merit badge is being awarded for, they also get a small certificate to keep.

They have also started a new system this year where deserving boys are awarded a 'Star of the Week' certificate for some special achievement.

It took him till May to win the merit badge last year, so I am very proud that he has not only managed to get it in the first few weeks of the year, but was also awarded the merit for 'Good handwriting and neat work'. Something which he has not previously excelled in. In fact, I told him it was an awesome thing to earn it for - and the only thing which could top that would be to win it for finishing his work...

Well what do you know? Yesterday he came home with the 'STAR of the WEEK' certificate for; 'Working fast and beautifully'. I could not be more proud! What an achievement!

Way to go Quinn!

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