Saturday 10 February 2007

Quinn's first project

Quinn has just finished his first school project (of many many to come I am sure!). Of course the novelty will wear of eventually, but I was so excited by this. *grin*

He had to make a 'Time Line of My Life' using a large sheet his teacher had given him. It was an A3 sheet of paper marked into 6 sections. He had to put pictures of himself with captions for each block.

I am not sure exactly what they are wanting, but I went and bought some blue cardboard yesterday so we could stick the paper sheet onto to make it nicer, and stronger, and more like a 'proper' project. Quinn's granny also gave him a book of coloured project paper a while ago so we used that to brighten it up a bit, and I printed off various photos of him at work yesterday.

Last night we got to work. I helped Quinn to conceptualise the layout and to write out the large letters for his name. He cut out the letters, and pasted them on the cardboard. He also chose and cut out all the photos he wanted. We decided each section could represent one year in his life. He wasn't sure what to write, so I spoke to him about the various things that happened during each year. Eventually he chose something and made up a sentence or two, which I wrote out for him. He then copied the sentences out on paper (half from memory and only looking when he needed to) and cut them out.

We finished it this morning. I helped him to figure out how to fit it all in and how to plan the layout and to decide what to paste first etc. Then he pasted everything down and then coloured all the pictures in the middle in and wrote 'By Quinn' and voila, project finished.... and it's not even 2am on Sunday yet. LOL.

This is the finished product.

So overall a great start to the realm of projects.


  1. That is such a brilliant first project. It's looks good! How nice that he got to learn some about his first years too

  2. This is so cute - first of MANY to come.
