Friday 23 March 2007

Happy Birthday Angelique

Angelique was born 9 years ago today at about 06:30am.

Happy Birthday precious girl.
Your family think of you often.

We have bought a potted pink Gerbera, at my mother in law's request, to remember her by.

(Quinn asked to take a small photo of her to school today to use for news/show & tell, so that he can tell his class and teacher about her on her birthday. I thought that was sweet.)


  1. Shoo Jane, the story of Angelique will always be in my heart!
    Lovely idea to plant that tree on Signal Hill! ANd to think it survived the fires too!!! Wow! Deep!

  2. Oh, Jane, she was so tiny. I also think it's sweet that Quinn asked to take a photo of her. *hugs*
