Sunday 25 March 2007

Prayers & Possitive thoughts needed

Please please think of my friend.

She started having contractions at 28 weeks pregnant on Friday evening. She called me at 08:30 on Saturday morning and I told her to get herself checked. She was admitted to hospital at 11am. I have been with her since she was transferred to a bigger hospital at 16:00 on Saturday (with 2 breaks, one to sleep last night and one for lunch today).

They tried to stop the labour but she finally gave birth via Caesarean at 20:30 tonight (Sunday). Her baby is a tiny boy weighing 1160g.

So far he is strong but very very early.

Please pray, think positive thoughts and what ever else you believe in that he stays strong and pulls through. It is going to be a long road for him.

Welcome to the world precious little guy.


  1. Shoo, I can so relate to this, but not at 28 weeks, Connor was born very prem and it was a nightmare!

    Sending as many positive thoughts as possible, it can't be easy for them.

  2. I am praying for your friend and her son Jane, let us know how its going. Take care of yourself too!
