Sunday 1 April 2007

Baby Update - 1 week old

Well the baby is a week old today and so far it's looking good.

He has lost weight - which is expected with any baby - but is otherwise doing well.

He was moved out of NICU into High Care on the second day, and they have now been told as soon as they need the high care area he will move into a regular incubator, so that's great!

Although he was drip-fed with IV fluids initially they have found that his tummy is able to metabolise milk, so his mom is expressing breast milk and he is being fed with a nasal feeding tube. (Babies this young can not suck yet, that reflex only comes in a few weeks before birth - i.e. due date.)

My friend has been able to hold him briefly several times, and should be able to hold him more and more once he is out of high care. Skin to skin contact (Kangaroo Care) with preemies has been shown to really help them strengthen and grow. They need to touch, smell, hear and see their mommies!

My friend is also coping very well, and has been home for several days now. It must be extremely hard to go home without your baby. She has been very courageous and strong. I admire her for that.

I feel very privileged to have been part of this whole experience with them.

1 comment:

  1. Shoo, what a stressful time this must be, glad they are doing well, thanks for the update.
