Monday 13 August 2007

Aced it... I think...

So I wrote my WOMBS (Women Offering Mothers Birth Support) doula exam on Saturday.

It was a 3 hour written exam for 100 marks about:
- Labour support - what, how, why etc
- Pregnancy, Labour & Birth terminology
- Breastfeeding support
- Anatomy of pregnancy, labour & birth
- The Better Birth Initiative
- Evidence Based Best Practices
- Evidence of outcomes of benefits of continuous labour support
- Situation when a pregnant women should be advised to seek medical advice
- Doulas and parters
- Epidurals. pros, cons, risks etc
- Caesareans, pros cons, risks etc
- Posterior baby, how to deal with before and in labour
- Pain relief options and techniques - natural and medical
- Labour induction or augmentation options and techniques - natural and medical
etc etc

I think I was well prepared and the exam wasn't too bad at all. NOne of the questions stumped me and I think I answered them all competently... but yikes I practically wrote a BOOK!
We were given exam pads to use and I think I finished on page 19!
I took 2 hours and 45 minutes.

I think I did pretty well. But I am going to have a LONG wait until I find out, as 'graduation' is only in October, and I don't think we'll get our results before then...

I have now packed my door-stopper file away.

Whew! I realised that I had not sat a formal exam for about 12 years! But it really helps to be doing something you love. It was actually kind of exciting. :)


  1. Well done! It sounds like you did a great job. How long does it take to get the results?

  2. I am sure you did really well.

  3. I remember writing mine and discovering how much I actually knew. Sure you did great with all your practical experience. How often do you work at Mowbray?
