Wednesday 15 August 2007

Cyanide & Happiness

I never used to really GET Cyanide & Happiness, but the more I see these gems the more I am taken by them. They totally appeal to my sick, cynical and perverse sense of humour. I love 'em!!

It's a little South Park'esque actually... Love that too!

"The style of Cyanide and Happiness is best described as random, cynical and sometimes offensive. Frequent topics of humor include disabilities, cancer, murder, suicide, necrophilia, paedophilia, sexual deviancy, sexually transmitted diseases, sexism, racism, self-mutilation, and violence. The comic does not always have a definite punchline in each strip, or may have several panels of "awkward silence" after (or instead of) the punchline, with characters simply staring at each other. These awkward pauses coupled with the stick figure artwork mirror the surrealist humor of stick figure animator and comic artist Don Hertzfeldt. There are few recurring characters and virtually no characterization, with characters often acting irrationally or nonsensically. The few recurring characters include peculiarly-named superheroes such as Seizure Man, Ass Rape Man, "LOL FAG Man", and the villainous Purple-Shirted Eye-Stabber."

Here are some that made me cringe/chuckle today:

Ja, well, no, fine...


  1. LOL LMAO ROFL!!!! We share the same sense of humour! Are you of German descent? Just asking...

  2. Haha. No, my hubby's family has some German heritage, but there's none on my side. My family has Scottish heritage.
