Sunday 20 April 2008

Another BN Breakfast

It seems to be becoming a trend now. We have had a BN meet around the 19/20th of the month on 3 out of the last 4 months. I am not complaining. Getting out for a picnic or breakfast with gorgeous babies, children & moms (and the odd dad) is fun and relaxing. I enjoy it.

This morning we were at the meet at Deerpark Cafe and had a wonderful time! It's a fabulous venue, and it's alway nice meeting up with BNers.

Great to see:
- LisaB & Nikki
- Sandi
- Anique
- Gaynor (& DH)
- Rikke

And it was wonderful to meet:
- Ina
- Leandre
- Janet & Johan
- Juanita (& DH)
- Bikermoo (Peta?)

Here is a collage of pics I took:


  1. Regular get togethers are a must especially if it involves friends. I'm glad you guys in CT are finally getting it right :)
