Sunday 20 April 2008

Quinn - glasses

Quinn is slightly short sighted in both eyes, and is battling a bit with blackboard work at school. So he needs to get glasses to help with distance vision - i.e. blackboard work, TV etc. He is also going to be going for some 'vision therapy', which is similar to the auditory work he did which helped him translate HEARING into LISTENING, in other words he can hear, but he wasn't processing what went in that well. Now a similar thing will be done with his eyes to make sure he processes the information that comes into his eyes.

Anyway we tried out some frames yesterday. I think he looks cute in rounder lenses - a bit like Harry Potter, but he won't hear of it. A friend of his has glasses. Which is good because it mean Quinn thinks glasses are cool and so he is actually quite excited about getting some. But this friend's glasses are square... ergo the only valid shape is square...

Anyway here he is with a small selection of frames:
He LOVED that 3rd pair, as they fit well, and are very light, and they are hardly noticeable. In fact he put them on and immediately forgot they were there and played in the shop for 15 minutes. Which to me was a GREAT sign. BUT they are apparently totally not recommended for kids, as they break easily, and are 50% more expensive than the others, as the lenses have to be drilled as the 'ear stick' attaches directly to the lens, there is no frame around the lens.... pity

Well most likely have to select something like the first pic.

1 comment:

  1. I had to wear glasses from the age of 3 - you get used to it. Frames are SO much nicer these days than years ago. Hope you are well.
