Wednesday 31 December 2008

An afternoon in Kalk Bay

The boys and I had a lunch appointment yesterday (who and why to follow in another post). It was a perfect day in Cape Town and EVERYONE was out. It took ages to get to Kalk Bay. We really should have caught the train as I had considered, but I just didn't get my act together to sort that out. I am actually feeling a bit depressed and anti-climactic as the end of the year approaches and ALL my friends and special people are away. There are very few left and I am feeling a bit at a loss now that all the excitement and activity has ended. I am fine, but I have NO plans for New Year and feel like a bit of a loser now... :( Anyway I digress. Yesterday was lovely.

We sat on the tidal pool wall outside the Brass Bell for a while and enjoyed the view and played with shells and pebbles.

I just LOVED this view!

The boys tried on these dreadlocks hats in one of the local shops and really loved them. I should actually go back and buy one for them :) It suits them!

It was a super afternoon and we had great company too.


  1. Simply love those dreadlock hats!! LOL

  2. This is my first year single that I am actually going out and I cant wait!!!!

    I LOVE Kalk Bay! Tess took us there when were down last year - its LOVELY!!

    Those hats are too cool!

  3. Funky hats and those are gorgeous pix of a beautifully perfect day.
