Thursday 1 January 2009

New Years - Kicking up with the young 'uns.

So I couldn't find a single person who wanted to party (with me) last night *sulk*

I so should have gone to the farm with J, who know wtf I stayed for? My sister and other friends are now no where to be found. *mutter* *mutter*

Anyhoo my BFF invited me to join her at her kiddies New Years bash and I decided that would be more fun than going clubbing alone, esp since I am not 'on the pull' (J wanted to know why not and if I think I have him snagged now and that I don't need to try anymore? hahaha)

So here are the pics of our party:

The boys and I throughout the evening.

Funny Faces - cos we are not well!

Food, bubbles, friends, laughter & Fun


Crazy kids on the loose!

It turned out pretty fun actually. I left after 2am. At 12 Beryl and I jumped in the pool together ... and then J phoned 30 seconds later so it was a very quick swim. It was a pretty cool phone call and the year ended/started with the first 'I love you' *big happy sigh*
Laughing Cool Laughing


  1. Looks like you all had a blast!

  2. :) The first "I love you". Nice way to start the New Year
