Saturday 4 April 2009

I met Laura!

This post is very over due, but it's been a crazy week and I just haven't had time to sit quietly and get it out...

On Monday night I FINALLY met Laura(Kim). I have 'known' Laura via the Internet for 2 years now. Laura is a strong, brave, lady with the courage of her convictions. She stands up for what she believes in and has a lot of gumption and drive. At times this can make her seem a bit intimidating, and I'll admit at first on the discussion board we met on, I was a little 'scared' of her. She was one of the senior members and as a newbie I feared her as one of the sort of inner-circle with power to wield... LOL.

Anyway it soon became apparent that Laura is merely personally and principally strong, but is not in shape or form a bully or meany, and I started to like her more and more. When she started her blog I began following it and getting to know more about her and her life and I really got to see what a wonderful person she is.

She has given me some great advice and support in the past year, for which I am very grateful. I consider her my dating, single mom and relationship guru of sorts ;). At one point in Oct last year I even had an encounter with a man, and rather than my usual, back down and away and let the opportunity pass, I had a WWLD (What Would Laura Do?) think and let that guide me. LOL ;)

So when I heard she was going to be in Cape Town for this past week I was very keen to meet her! The meet was arranged for Laura, myself, and 2 other ladies (Tess and Meriel) to get together. But then Meriel's son got injured in hockey and the boys and I (and then their nanny) were struck down with a stomach bug and our meet seemed doomed.

We decided at the last minute to JUST DO IT though and so Laura, my boys and I met at Cape To Cuba (I LOVE THAT PLACE) on Monday night. Unfortunately I was not feeling great still so I didn't eat (sorry about that Laura!) which was a great pity as I love the food there! It didn't stop me from having a Mojito though - as not much would! The boys were luckily well on the mend by then and gobbled down some calamari. Anyway the point is...

I finally met Laura! Yay.

I am so glad I did. While her inner strength and confidence is apparent, it is packaged in the most pretty, natural, comfortable, gentle, soft spoken, warm and almost unassuming class. Laura you really are amazing and I admire you so much. It was really lovely to meet you!

p.s. Sorry I had to bring my boys along with me, and had my 'bad hair day' funny hat on! LOL.

p.p.s. I only took 2 bad photos will try to u/l something when I get a chance ;)


  1. WOW! Really Jane WOW! Thank you for this lovely post!!!

    It was awesome meeting you and the boys - you are all so great and I get the "where I go they go" thing :)

    I had to lol at the WWLD! I wish I had had someone in those early days for support and encouragement!

    And I too fell in love with Cape to Cuba!!

  2. LOL at the WWLD! Glad you got to meet Laura :)

  3. What a gorgeous post. Congrats on you guys meeting.
