Friday 3 April 2009

Quinn Aced It!!!

So who remembers the saga with Quinn and his teacher thinking he should have stayed in Grade 3, and us even considering putting him back into Grade 3, 3 weeks into Grade 4 in Feb???? Anyone?

Well, here is the child's report for Term 1 of Grade 4:

- English - 3 - 64.5%
- Afrikaans - 3 - 66.6%
- Xhosa - 2 - 35% (ok that's not good but it was damn difficult, I couldn't do it! I am not worried at this stage It's a 3rd language after all)
- Mathematics - 4 - 88.2% (and she thought he was in the bottom 8 of the grade!)
- History - 4 - 73.3%
- Geography - 4 - 92.8%
- Natural Science - 4 - 80%
- EMS (what's that?) 4 - 90%

- Life Orientation - 4 -70%
- Physical Education - 3 - 50%

- Computers - 4 - 70%
- Design - 2 - 25% (Erm, I think this is wrong, this is the bead & bracelet project which the teacher apparently LOST!)

- Music - 4 - 79%
- Art - 4 - 75%

Teacher's Comments: "Quinn is a polite and enthusiastic member of the class. After a very shaky start, he has settled down to produce some very pleasing results. His hand writing has improved and I would like to commend him for trying so hard. Well done Quinn."

I can not describe how proud of him I feel right now. I KNEW he could do it!!!

He is not here now - I was out and the boys are with their Dad tonight - I just got home and dug it out of his school bag but I am simply BEAMING now.

Guess who is getting taken out for pizza tomorrow? And he has more than earned his Egyptology book, which I will present to him tomorrow, possibly with an extra surprise too.

I am so impressed with him. WOW!
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


  1. Jane this is AWESOME! Well done Quinn!!!!

  2. Yay Quinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is just amazing

  3. Congrats, Quinn! I could just talk two languages (german and a little bit of english) so you make it better than me! Of course I haven't heard about Xhosa but what I read at the german wikipedia-page about it it sounds strange to me.
    "Bonke abantu bazalwa bekhululekile belingana ngesidima nangokweemfanelo. Bonke abantu banesiphiwo sesazela nesizathu sokwenza isenzo ongathanda ukuba senziwe kumzalwane wakho."

    Ouhm, well... I couldn't imaginge how to speak something like that, amazing series of letters.

    So - go on! Understanding three languages in grade 4 is just great!
