Monday 11 June 2012

Blame it on my A.D.D. baby

Another one by AWOLnation.  I've heard this one a few times now as well and really like it too. Same guys. Not my usual genre exactly, but I really like their sound; it's a little heavy but without being too agrro or over the top.

So herewith SOTD #2!



This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
I blame it on my A.D.D. baby

This is how an angel cries
I blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby


Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I should kill myself
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby

Maybe I'm a different breed
Maybe I'm not listening
So blame it on my A.D.D. baby


La la la la la la oh!


Sail with me into the dark
Sail with me, sail with me

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