Monday 18 June 2012

I was spoiled on Father's Day

So yesterday morning I walked through to the lounge and both  boys said, 'Hi Mom, Happy Father's Day!' :)

Can I just say that I love my quirky and weird little family of 3! <3 <3 <3

I also got several Happy Father's Day smses for some of the cool guys in my life.

Then later in the afternoon A asked me to stop by his office when I went for a run, because he said he had a gift for me.

Oooh!? I of course obliged the request post-haste. He'd got me ... wait for it. A cordless screw-driver/drill! I LOVE IT! I was seriously thrilled. *squeal* :)
I told him next time he visits there'll be holes in everything. He says 'Yeah you'd better keep it away from the boys..' and I was like , 'No the holes will be MY doing!' ;) 

I can't wait to use it tonight! It is going to be SO useful. I have to put a new latch on my gate and it's too far for my power-drill and extension cord to reach and I am not strong enough to screw self-tapping screw that big in with my bare hands.

Best Father's Day ever! :)

Hope you all had a good Father's Day?

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