Wednesday 24 October 2012

Am I stylish!??

Do you think I am stylish?? I would never have thought so.


I mean I have 2 very stylish and chic sisters. Who have lovely hair, nails, outfits etc,  and I always think I am the 'country-bumpkin' member of my family. The no-fuss, practical, non-girlie-girl. I'd rather climb a tree or kick a ball than look proper or fuss with dresses, skirts or accessories. I'd also rather go for a run, cycle, or swim than worry about my HAIR!


I sometimes joke that I am not a 'real' girl. Getting dressed-up, and even buying clothing and stuff does not excite me. Not even shoes, and no not handbags either. Look I must admit that I AM starting to notice and admire some nice things, but even if I buy stuff I find I don't really wear it. I stick to quick, easy, practical and comfortable. Anything fussy or needing special treatment or behaviour, or shoes I can't run around in just get relegated to the back of the closet...


I wake up at 06:30am and we leave the house at 07:00am. That includes making coffee and everything, so I really do not spend a lot of time grooming myself. AT ALL.


But I have recently been trying a tiny bit harder. I'll remember to wear accessories, an perfume. I'll put an outfit out the night before, so spend 2-mins instead of 1 thinking about and selecting something, and I'll try to make my hair less mad and unkempt. You know try to look at least a little respectable...


Anyway, I have also been trying to wear skirts and dresses a little more, instead of my usual slack ad a top 'uniform'. Yesterday I wore a body hugging chocolate-brown wrap-around dress (yes the same one that ended up doing a Marilyn Monroe on the way home in front of my colleagues! As mentioned on FB) with high-heeled boots and black tights...


I received this lovely email from my one of my team members at work today.


"Hi Jane


I may be very conservative in my own dressing, but I (thinkJ) I know when someone looks good. And you know you always do. But yesterday as you came walking down the passage you really looked like someone straight out of a magazine spread!"


I replied:


"Wow, really? That is so sweet of you. Thank-you.


I have never been much of a style/dress-up person – unlike people like xxx etc who really know how to 'put themselves together'. I am much more practical, on-the-go and utilitarian. I spend about 15-20 mins getting up and dressed in the morning! And I have always thought that that really shows. I have been trying to make a bit more effort to wear different things from my wardrobe though and mix and match a bit more interestingly. So thanks for noticing and commenting. I really appreciate it!


I think you always look lovely. J "

 And she said:


"Really yes!


To me you stand out in your own way. One doesn't have to 'dress up'. You either have it or you don't.  And you have that special something that gives you a 'different, often model-like magazine look'.  See, what comes naturally usually works the best!


You're definitely one of those people (with styleJ) that I will remember! When I leave."


I am not sure I agree with her, but how lovely is that. I was actually feeling a bit fat and bloated and blah today (PMS!?), but that totally made my day! J Isn't it nice when people take the time to give you a meaningful compliment?

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea ! And I am sure you did look fantastic
