Wednesday 24 October 2012

Silly Hat day - 19 Oct 2012

We are working damn hard at work these days. There is a lot of stress and pressure and demands and the deadlines are tight and the consequences of missing them or making mistakes is scary… But that said we do still try to have fun and our efforts are noticed and rewards and we are encouraged to have fun in between the work. A work-hard play-hard ethos. So Friday was 'Sill Hat Day' and being me I embraced it with gusto.

I didn't realize it was a competitive event else I would have gone all out, but as it was I won 3rd place…..

Because life is serious enough, wear a SILLY HAT to work in Friday 19 Oct 2012

A big thank you to all who participated in the SILLY HAT day!!

 The winners are…. 
3rd Place:
Jane Fraser

So this is what I looked like…. 

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