Wednesday 28 April 2010

Live Earth - Run for Beer ... I mean WATER!

So not only did we run the Spar Ladies Race on Sunday 18 April, but then I found out that there was a Live Earth - Run for Water event that same day at Spier. But that's not all, there was also an exclusive Parlotones concert for race entrants only! Being the groupie I am, I quickly checked the start times and decided, 'What the heck lets make a day of it and do that as well!' I mean why not!?

The Spar 10km was scheduled to start at 07:30 (but actually started at about 07:45) the Live Earth race was starting at 10:00. So pretty tight timing then - considering it's about a 45 minute drive from one venue to the next, and takes about an hour to run the first 10km race - but I am nothing if not enthusiastic about doing stuff which seems a bit mad!

Anyway, I decided not to stress about getting to Spier on time, since they had allowed a very generous 2 hours to complete the 6km before the concert started, so I knew we'd have plenty of time to get it done.

As it turned out we wasted little time leaving the Bellville Athletics Stadium and headed off to Spier, arriving in good time to register and get ready for the 10am start. Sadly there seemed to be way less than the 2000 limit on entries. I don't think the race was very well publicised at all. I only found out about it by chance.

The race was a 6km trail around the farmlands behind Spier. The reason it was 6km was because that is reportedly the average distance rural people have to walk every day for their daily water. Also, because this was a water awareness event, no water was supplied en route. There were tables of juicy fruit to be had though, which was welcome and quite delicious at that point in the day and after being up and active since 05:40.

We headed off at a moderate paced trot but at the 3.5-4km mark, and with the heat of day and loose sand bogging me down, I decided I was tired and needed a walk to catch my breath. After a few minutes of walking I felt able to run the last 1km or 2 back - which was a welcome down-hill most of the way. We passed Louis and co. doing a leisurely stroll of the route. I yelled some encouragement (or it may have been abuse!?) to him...

Mr Fox challenged me to a final sprint to the finish. So the last 100m was a comical flailing hurtle to the end (and beyond in my case). My boys assure me I crossed the line first, and I maintain they are completely impartial and unbiased and so I'll take the nano-second victory thanks! Even if it is just a token gesture. (The boys were duly rewarded for their loyalty).

With the 2 races over, we felt quite in need of a clean-up so we made our way to the Spier hotel swimming facilities where they have very civilised and well appointed bathrooms where we could have a hot shower complete with soap, shampoo, body lotion etc and best of all soft fluffy white towels. The shower was fabulous and with change of clothes and renewed energy we were ready for BEER and the concert (yes, in that order).

Once a handful of cold beers were secured we found a spot near Louis, Jess and friends and settled in for yet another rocking Parlotones concert. They are brilliant and never fail to impress me. It was my 8th time seeing them and I have loved every single time. Like a true and loyal fan I was wearing my Parlotones t-shirt for the concert, and Quinn managed to get it autographed by the band at the end... It previously only had Glenn's signature on it from when I got it. SCORE!
Once the concert was over we trundled home and collapsed on the couch to watch a movie (Smart People) and ave a nap.

It was a really fun and memorable day!

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