Monday 26 April 2010

Spar - Goodies for you!

Last Sunday I ran my 5th Spar Ladies Race. This was my first ever 10km race back in 2006 and I ran it again in 2007, 2008 and also in 2009 where I ran my 10km Personal Best time too.

I still really like this race. It is fun, festive, busy, well supported, well organised, and a good course. I agree the start is congested. Especially this year with a record turn out of reportedly over 16 000 entrants. The goodie bag was once again more than worth the entry fee (of +-R50 with a temp license), it was jam packed with all sorts of cool goodies, and the bright (binne-poes)pink t-shirts were nice and festive - but again way too big for me so mine has been relegated to the boy's race-shirt pyjama collection.

The start was better handled than before with people channeled down to the start and the 5km entrants were kept well to the side, instead of getting mixed in with the 10km entrants. Still the race did start 10+ minutes late due to the volumes and battling to get everyone to the start on time, and by the time we got to the start it was FULL. I wanted to do my usual sneak to the front and mingle, but this year that proved much more tricky and the 'girl' I was with thought pushing in would be rude.

I finally convinced him of my 'seeding' theory: It is not rude to start in front of someone if you are going to STAY in front of them for the whole race. Right? Right!? This is my theory and I am sticking to it. Besides if you start behind 10 000 people there is no way to compete for a PB, you have to give yourself a fighting chance. Look, if you are slow or a walker pushing in WOULD be rude. But I finish in the top 5%, I should be in the front. (Just smile and nod, m'kay?!)

Anyhoo so somehow we managed to sneak into the club runner's pen RIGHT in the front, as in with the competing athletes. Ironically it was easier getting in here than anywhere near the front anywhere else. Still this was a serious competition we had going with beer, breakfast and ....erm possibly a nurses outfit or something at stake. See fully legitimate reasons! I soon found Adele, Heidi and Bennie in there though, so that was cool. We posed for photos by Bennie and then it was time to get ready and set off.

I told Goldilocks s/he did not have to feel obliged to stay with me and he told me he'd 'warm up' at my pace. PAH! How rude. I was running at HIS pace and it was slower than my usual starting pace. At 4km he was apparently 'warm' and well that's the last I saw of him...

I plodded on feeling quite strong until 7km where I ended up stopping 3 times, once to pee, once to drink and once to let a stream of traffic pass. GAH. After that I motored down the hill towards the end and tried to make up some lost time and managed to come in at a respectable but not brilliant 52:58. (1.5mins shy of my goal)

Ms 'Goldilocks' Fox came 113 finishing officially in 49:11, but that was only because s/he wasn't convincing enough as a girl and was stopped at the stadium entrance and had to wait for 100 actual females to finish first (see you should have shaved those legs!), so I am sure actual time was even more impressive...

I guess I will have to reluctantly concede that I was well and truly beaten! THIS TIME!

The results are out already, they can be found HERE

Overall it was a good race and I enjoyed it. The boys had a great time in the stadium where there was some supervised entertainment and activities including sack races, jumping castle obstacle courses etc etc. I had to drag them away from the fun and games as we couldn't linger for too long as it was time to dash of to Spier for another race!...


My results over the 5 years I have run this race are as follows:

Spar Ladies Race 2006:
Total number of 10km finishers = 4351
- Me - #469 = 00:58:12 - so I just missed the top 10%.

Spar Ladies Race 2007:
Total number of 10km finishers = 3957
- Me - #204 = 00:54:16 - so I shaved nearly 4 minutes off my time, even though the course was tougher. I finished in the top 5.5% :)

Spar Ladies Race 2008:
Total number of 10km finishers = 4847
- Me - # 177 = 00:52:26 - top 3.65%

Spar Ladies Race 2009:
Total number of 10km finishers = 4667
- Me - # 148 = 00:51:35 - top 3.17%  <--My Personal BEST :)

Spar Ladies Race 2010:
Total number of 10km finishers = 6509
- Me - # 212 = 00:53:02 - top 3.25%

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