So after boasting about my
stable weight over the years, I went and screwed it all up! * GAH.
This winter has not been kind to me. Not only did Tiny shrink all my clothes, but the gym scale is broken too! I am sure of it. That's the only explanation I can think of. I mean really!
I mean it can't be that every time it was cold and raining this winter (note that been like 5 days out of every week on average), I have baked with the kids and pigged out afterwards, snacked on crap, rekindled some desire to cook in the evenings and made and eaten loads of pasta and sauce, watched too much TV, gone out to eat to much, watched to many movies - with pop corn etc, been studying and doulaing - time consuming and tiring.
So exercise more or less went out the window and comfort eating took its place. I am sure none of that is the culprit. NO!
So where does that leave me? 3-4kgs up and not so very fit, and feeling pretty crap about it all.
I have still been doing my weekly yoga class and the odd run/shuffle/walk when the weather has been good. But now I finally feel fired up to do more and get my ample butt into gear.
So last night while my 3 boys dined (I think that may be too strong a word) at Panavrottis, what was I doing?
Well, I ran to Claremont gym (+-3km) and then did a Kata Box class. My first in I don't know how long, but certainly many months. I think I last went in March! Sies. It was surprisingly fun, and although I expected to I didn't keel over and die during the class. In fact I even had fun - Norman's classes are always fun. SO I may have piled on the layers, but I havn't lost ALL my fitness. YAY!!
I am freshly inspired and am going to try to get back to doing regular katabox classes. They really are great for strength and toning, not to mention nice endorphine rushes. Kia!
* I must note that I have noticed that I seem to put on weight EVERY winter without fail. But normally it is only about 2kgs and I keep exercising so it's not too bad. This time it's worse.