Wow. I have such mixed feelings right now elation & happiness that I have done it and it went well. But also some disappointment & trepidation (read on to see why) - that it wasn't as good as I had hoped for (am I an over achiever?)...
I went in to the clinic at 10am by which time I could feel some ovulation sensitivity and a feeling of 'fullness' in my lower abdomen, but I was otherwise fine. I was told to expect that. I had to wait till about 11 before I was called. But I had some nice phone chats and read some magazines. I actually like unexpected free time when there is nothing to do but relax (unless I am in a rush of course).
When I was called I went through got into my gown and sat on a comfy recliner with a blankie - cosy & relaxing!
The anaesthetist came to see me and make sure I was all ok for the anaesthetic, and then my friend Liz (the theatre manager) came to chat to me which was nice. She is lovely.
I heard someone waking up behind a curtain and she was moaning, groaning and creating quite a scene - asking for pain meds, but refusing to eat, wake up, or sit up or anything. Saying things like 'No. I want to go to sleep and sleep through the pain!' erk :/
So when I was taken in I said 'Can I ask what she had done?'
Liz said, 'Same thing you are having'.
I thought OMG! Yikes! Didn't seem like fun at all. But Liz assured me that different people cope differently, so I wasn't too worried.
Anyway, the anaesthetist came and inserted the drip and then brought out a huge syringe filled with white stuff. I said 'What on earth is that!?' o.O
He said something like 'Milk of amnesia - good night!' and with that I was out.
Next thing I knew I was being woken up in the recovery bed (behind that curtain) by the theatre sister, and felt ok. I was a bit dozy but otherwise felt pretty ok. After a while I felt some period type cramping but nothing really more than that. It is likely mostly from the Mirena anyway.
I have given birth with no meds 3 times, and had 2x Mirena inserted fully conscious, and had abdominal surgery (abdominus rectus muscle repair OUCH), and had a tattoo done - so I think my experience with pain, and ability to cope with it, is quite good.
They sat me up in the bed and brought me tea and a muffin. I actually really enjoyed those. They checked my blood pressure a few times which stayed normal at about 100/60.
After about 20 mins I was up and dressed and ready to go.
I went in to see the doc to get my medical certificate for the day off. I asked him how many eggs they got and I was very disappointed to hear there were only '4 good ones'. :/ So please pray that it is enough, and they are fertilized successfully, and 'take' in the recipient!
They must! I will be heartbroken if they have gone through all this time and expense with me and don't even get a viable result Sad :`(
Nurture were amazing though. I got a call before I went in, and then got given some flowers and a Lindt chocolate on the way out! They are so sweet and caring and bubbly. Love those gals! They are really doing an amazing thing with their business.
I also got an unexpected cash cheque - I actually wasn't expecting it at ALL... AND the recipients paid for my replacement Mirena... WOW! This is why I feel really bad now that they only got 4 eggs.
Please please please let it be worth it for them!
I don't think I can deposit the cheque until I know actually - and will give it back if it is not successful..... it would feel wrong to keep it.
I am now resting on my couch, I have some twinges if I walk around, but am otherwise completely fine, just a tad groggy from the meds and not completely mentally alert.
All in all the experience has been far easier than I expected and not bad at all.
If anyone is keen on doing it, I would say as long as you have a good attitude and are not freaked out by needles, scans and general procedures: GO FOR IT! (don't forget to tell them I referred you) ;)