Thinking & Feeling

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.” Horace Walpole

Wednesday 22 December 2010

2010 wrap-up

Hi all,

Well it seem to be the end of 2010! When did that happen??

And what a year it has been! So much has happened, both good and bad, that I simply couldn't do it justice with a summary.

Some of the bigger events and experiences have been:
- An amazing big family gathering for my dad's 70th in the Berg. I dubbed this 'EAT, PLAY, LOVE' which is pretty much all we did for 4-5 days.
- Quinn's Cholesteatoma operations and all that went along with them. The whole ordeal was made so much easier thanks to Quinn being incredibly mature throughout his treatments and the amazing care and expertise of our beloved ENT - Dr Oliver Raynham! Thank-you again Ollie!!!
- Going to a Soccer World Cup Game. Wow, that whole world cup month was so much fun, excitement and festivity. we just loved every minute of it.
- Breaking my ankle! Enough said. It is now on the mend and I can walk again. Learned a huge amount from that experience.
- Meeting some amazing people - you know who you are.
- Discovering I have some incredible friends - they know who they are. Ilse & Suzanne stand out as the biggest hearted saints though.
- Lots of fun
- Lots of silliness
- Lots of stress and some heartaches too
But mostly the boys and I got through the year strong, smiling and happy and really that's all you can hope for.

So tough as the year has been, it has actually been a good one, full of lessons and learning and lots of well LIFE!

Thank-you to everyone who has been part of our lives, you are what make it worthwhile...

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone. May you have a wonderful, relaxing, fun and happy time over the festive season.


See you all in 2011!

Much love from 'The Crazy Frasers' Jane, Quinn & Griffin

Saturday 11 December 2010

Christmas Cookies 2010

The boys and I baked what has become our traditional Christmas cookies this evening. We are getting quite creative and adventurous with our flavouring and colours and designs now.


Green = Cinnamon
Yellow = Almond
Red = Chocolate

And all 3 were mixed with brandy instead of water.


They are rather yummy actually!

Quinn got a FAB report! *Beame*

I'm feeling *puffy heart* proud of my big boy right now.

You all know about his difficult journey over the last few years with his ears and repeating grade 4 etc etc...

Well he got a FABULOUS report despite everything and has really matured and settled down into his school work this year.

He got 4s for everything except PE (63% - because he can't swim cos of his ears) and music (64% - might be cos of ears too?).

100% for Life Orientation
92% for Maths,
90% for Science,
90% for Computers,
87% for EMS
87% for Geography
85% for History
85% for Xhosa
75% for Art
75% for Afrikaans
71% for English


In total 17 x 4s and 3 x 3s!

The teacher said, 'I have enjoyed being part of Quinn's progress. I know that he is going to be successful at whatever he does. Well done Quinn!'

c1 t1 p1 h1 c1 t1 p1 h1

Sunday 5 December 2010

The hardest part of being a single parent

We saw SPUD last night. Me and 3 boys and it was FABULOUS. I love love LOVED every minute of it. I laughed and cried hard throughout it.

Afterwards we had McD & Ice-cream and had a fun time singing to songs on the way home. I dropped Q & neighbour/friend off at friends house and went around the corner to our home and I noticed Griff was tearful. He would not tell me why though and said he was fine. I asked if he was upset that he didn't have a sleep over too? NO. I asked if he was sad from the movie. NO. I asked about everything else I could think of. NO.

Eventually I asked if he was sad about Daddy? And he said yes. He then came to sit with me and bawled his eyes out. We'd been listening to Green Day 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' and he said when he heard that, it 'played a really sad song in his head'. He was really so upset. I told him that I was so sorry he doesn't have a dad, and he dejectedly said 'I do...'

Oh man it sucks so much when they hurt so bad and there is nothing you can do, so I sommer had a big fat cry with him. I so wish I had a positive male role model for them. Griff really needs one.
:( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
It's been a full year (almost to the day) since they last saw or heard from their father, and no matter what I do, I'll never be able to fill that hole for them.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Religious Intolerance at 8 years old.

Right so I am very open about that fact that I am not Christian. I was completely atheist previously, but now I have some sense of spirituality, but certainly none with a personified, sentient, omnipotent 'god' figure... 

Anyway regardless, my approach and attitude has always been of acceptance and tolerance and each to his own. No judgement and everyone gets to believe what they believe. It's best to keep it to yourself and all get along and agree to disagree, if needs be.

I have taught the boys to think, question and decide what they are comfortable with too. I answer their questions honestly and with balanced view points and they are free to chose what works for them in the end.

Anyway Griffin came home from school the other day and told me he'd been told by a Christian child in his class that he 'is going to hell because he doesn't believe in Jesus'. I think that is DAMN RUDE and very very very offensive. I would never say anything remotely like that to a Christian, or anyone else for that matter, and find it shocking that 'Christians' get to do that to others, and usually very self righteously too.

I sort of feel like taking it further, but I'll leave it. What I have done, is tell the boys never to fight with someone like that but rather to say, 'I respect your beliefs, even though I don't agree with them & it would be nice if you could do the same for me.'