So yesterday morning I ask him when it is for and he says ' oh only the 29th...' I was like; 'Dude that's TOMORROW!'. GAH.
So I spent the whole morning working with him, writing it, translating it, finding photos, etc etc etc and then practicing it with him.
We went to a movie yesterday afternoon and before we left I asked him to practise his oral for me. Which he did quite well. Yay. I then said, 'Now make sure you don't leave it behind' and got a firm 'Yes mom' in response.
I have now decided 'Yes mom' means 'Fluck you bitch' or 'Whatever, I am totally ignoring you' or something to that effect. Because when I asked him to practise on the way to school this morning, he told me it was at home!!!
I have not spazzed out that much in ages and ages. My throat is actually sore from screaming now. I made him RUN the last 2 blocks home to go fetch it, and while I was stewing I actually threw his school bag out my window and drove around the corner - VERY mature I know. When he came back I told him he could walk to school, but he was just about crying and begged me to let him get in the car. I yelled at him some more and then dropped him off and didn't even say goodbye.
I think I totally over reacted. What a bitch and horrible mom I was. But I get SO FRUSTRATED with stuff like this.
I hope he is going to be ok today. I wish I could give him a hug and say sorry now.
You can say sorry that you screamed etc, but not that you punished him! He has to take that responsibility.