Thinking & Feeling

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.” Horace Walpole

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Griffin's 12th & Crown Birthday

It was Griffin's 12th Birthday on 12 November. So it was his CROWN BIRTHDAY. Something he was quite excited about.

He got a PC as his birthday gift, which he was quite pleased with. We decided to do a small and personal but fun party this year - he didn't have a party last year, instead we did have a full day of fun activities as a family  - as he has recently made some new friends and we wanted to include them in his birthday celebrations.

He chose the Muizenberg waterslides. It really is a winner venue for a party. It is so easy to host a party there and reasonably cheap;y too, as the entrance fee is not high, the kids stay entertained for ages, so much so that catering can be minimal because they barely stop long enough to eat or drink. And all the kids are guaranteed to be pooped afterwards!

This year I also decided I was not going to spend hours and hour making the cake. I do like doing the cake myself, as it's part of how I celebrate and commemorate their birthdays and express my love and care for them. But I just did not have the 5-6 hours on hand that last year's Angry Birds cup cakes took. Instead I kept it simple and did a plain vanilla-sponge (I bought a piece of the pre-baked slabs Pick 'n Pay makes... best tip ever!) and then iced it myself with blue butter-cream icing to make water and stuck on some jelly sharks and hey-presto, cake done. Griff gave it his approval and we were all happy!

We had 12 boys and my sister and her little just turned 3-year-old munchkin at the party. It was no trouble at all for me to single handedly cater, supervise and entertain on my own. Even able to lounge in the sun with my feet up half the time!

I was pleased that the boys polished off nearly all the food and guzzled most of the cake too, declaring it delicious!

Another successful party done.

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